Tuesday, November 25, 2003

What Was He Thinking???

My father has went and spent $1,200 on my nephew for christmas. He has purchased him a 4 wheeler.
I have many qualms about this. One...my father NEEDED to take the money and spend it on fixing his and my mothers home. With the upcoming winter, he needed to replace the hot water heater. It is on it's last legs. Instead, Mark and I have brought them one for christmas. It's the only way my mother would have gotten it besides saving all her money for a few months. AND I refuse to let my father "Mr. Home Improvement" install it himself. I'd sooner give a testicle.

My father is a penny pincher in the extreme sense usually. He complains if my mother uses the dryer for clothes on days that are warm and sunny and clothes could have been hung outside on the clothes line. Which, in my opinion (that doesnt count a whole lot with him) is none of his business since he performs absolutely no household chores. No washing dishes, no washing clothes,no cooking etc. So, if my mother feels compelled to dry clothes to save time from having to walk outside,pin the shit on the line, go back out later to retrieve/fold them...re-wash what the birds have shit on.... then that's her perogative.
My second qualm is this.....he also has a grand daughter. My neice. How does he think she will feel when at christmas she is presented with a doll baby and her brother has what nears a vehicle??? My nephew is only six years old. With having a go-cart AND a motorcycle (dirt bike) he doesn't NEED a four wheeler.
Now, my nephew and I are very close as everyone knows and i truly want him to have a great christmas....but this is a little extravogant in my opinion.
My sister is a bit angered by this as well. As a mother she desires BOTH of her children to be happy on christmas and by doing that she usually gets them one "Big" present a piece that are of the same equal value and other "smaller" things.
So....I have decided that I will be carrying my neice to the malls,journey in various stores,watch her go crazy over something big,make a mental note of it and then go back and buy it for her so she doesn't feel so left out. It's the only thing I know to do? If anyone else has any suggestions on how to handle this situation....please feel free to leave it in my comments.
Mom....if you read this. I'm sorry,it's just how I feel about the situation.


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