Saturday, November 15, 2003

Have You Noticed?

Every week or so , I have began changing the under title of this blog. Inserting various song lyric "snippets" that I identify with.

This is located just under the main title of the blog at top of page. Most of these "lyrical snippets" are by Beth Hart. She is who I am listening to ALL the time at the moment.

I called a local radio station to ask them to play her new song "Leave the Light On". Do you know it ended being a 10 minute talk with the disc jockey. He said the reason for the station not playing it or adding it to their "play list" is because "Beth Hart will release something and disappear for 4 to 5 years."
Now don't ask me why...but this infuriated me and I took it personally.
One thing, everyone should know about me is that if I feel passionate about something..... I WILL stand up and fight for it. But in most instances it ends up with me going belligerent,screamin and throwing shit. LOL. Debating has never been a strong point of mine.
So, my reply to the disc jockeys accusations that she "disappears four to five years after releasing an album."?

Me: She disappeared because she was arrested for a D.U.I and possession of non prescribed narcotic's. She has been in rehab and is now trying to get her life back together. Give the woman a break, I know, first hand how difficult it is trying to piece your life back together after an addiction and having other people constantly trying to place road blocks in front of you the whole entire time. Everyone deserves a second chance. Especially if they have something to say AND it helps other people.

D.J. from 94.9 The Point in Virginia Beach,Virginia: Oh...well.....I had no idea.

Me: Is it NOT a great this the reason why you won't play it????

D.J.: No..we actually have it and it IS a good song. She has an amazing voice. She is just not "Popular" right now as say NICKEL BACK & MICHELLE BRANCH. We have bigger fish to reel in so to speak.

Me: So, you guys would rather play the same old songs fifteen different times a day instead of a NEW song???? Well YOU and your radio station are a bunch of idiots.

D.J.: What?

Me: You heard me fool !!!! {slams the phone down}

Mark looks over at me laughing and says " Well, I bet they NEVER play ANY of her music NOW."

Me: I guess i did fuck it up, huh???


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