Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Hello all.....
So, what has been going on with me? Lets see........Hurricane Charly (Yes, another since I last posted), arrived with a whimper. Mark and I actually slept through this storm. Hardly any wind at all here. There was a moment of intense rainfall and then that subsidsed rather quickly. We were very lucky to have been blessed with such a minor storm this second time because the rain has yet to really drain completely here from many's front yards and back roads.

Mark and I celebrated our anniversary on the 14th. As for a party? Well, my nephew's birthday is this same day so we went to his birthday party that my sister had at her home for mostly family. It rained the majority of the day. As the years seem to be going by, mine and marks relationship has strengethed considerably. And when i say this many may say or wonder..."Well, was it strong to begin with then?" and my answer is ...yes, it was.... but. We actually thought we had a very strong and maybe perfect relationship. But, with various incidents and hurdles that have been thrown our way, we realize that haven overcomen them has strengthened our love even more. The fanatastic part is that even though things had arisen to test our marriage...we beat it. We over came the odds. They say the first 1 to 3 years of a marriage is the most difficult. Two people getting used to each others flaws and bad habits. If you can weather the storm, then comes smooth sailing.

I had to carry Black Velvet (our cat) to the vet today for his annual checkup and they always dread seeing him. LOL....but he was actually a good boy and was given a great "Report Card". He weighed in at 20 poounds so they said he has to diet....i have tried cutting his meals back but he wins everytime. The cat eat's 4 four cans of *Fancy Feast a day plus a bowl of dry food placed out for him at night before we go to bed.

We recently switched internet service providers. We were with a local internet service and paying $25.00 a month and have now switched to *PeoplePC where we only pay $10.00 a month. In addition to getting on line faster, we have received great service and are saving nearly $200.00 dollars a year ($180.00 to be exact)

That's really all that has been going on that I can think of right now. i will post again soon........Peace, Love and the presence of angels to all............Ronnie


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